Board Maharashtra  State Council of Educational Research and Training
Class Class 12th / HSC
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Stream Arts, Commerce and Science
Subject Psychology
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Maharashtra HSC Psychology  Question Bank

Maharashtra  State Council of Educational Research and Training, Pune Class 12th/HSC Psychology Question Bank With Answer Key March 2021

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Download HSC Psychology Question Bank

Class & Subjects Question Bank
Class XII Psychology

Maharashtra Class XII Psychology Sample Questions

Chapter 1 : Psychology – A Scientific Discipline
Q.1. Complete the following statements by selecting the appropriate words given in the brackets : (1 mark each)

(1) Till 1879, psychology was a branch of …………………………..
(physics, philosophy, physiology)

(2) Psychology is a …………………. science.
(natural, social, biological)

(3) ……………………. proposed a theory of psychoanalysis.
(Wilhelm Wundt, Carl Rogers, Sigmund Freud)

(4) The first laboratory of psychology was started in …………………………..
(America, India, Germany)

(5) …………………….. method has assigned the status of ‘science’ to psychology.
(Survey, Experimental, Correlation)

Q. 3. Write whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’ : ( 1 mark each)
(1) Psychology is a study of mental processes.
(2) An experimenter is a person on whom the experiment is conducted.
(3) In positive correlation, the changes in two variables are in same direction.
(4) Psychology is simply a pseudoscience.
(5) All laws in psychology cannot be universally applicable.
(6) Psychology is a natural science.

Q.4. Answer the following questions in one sentence each : (1 mark each)
(1) In which year was the first psychology laboratory established?
(2) Who is considered as the ‘Father of American Psychology’?
(3) Who is called an experimenter?
(4) What is meant by participant?
(5) Who has developed the Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy?
(6) From which Latin word is the English word ‘Science’ derived?
(7) What does the Latin word ‘Scientia’ mean?

Q. 5. Answer the following questions in 25 to 30 words each : (2 marks each)
(1) What are the key features of psychology?
(2) Explain the important features of experimental method in your own words.
(3) Explain the nature of negative correlation with the help of any two examples.
(4) Explain any two challenges in establishing psychology as a science.

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