Board Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education [MSBTE]
Download Summer 2022 Question Paper 
Department Civil Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Production Technology, Mechanical Engineering & Chemical Engineering
Subject Applied Mechanics
Paper Code 22203
Semester 2nd
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MSBTE 22203 Applied Mechanics Question Paper

Download Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education [MSBTE] Paper Code 22203 Applied Mechanics 2nd Semester Summer 2022 Question Paper PDF Free Online

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Download MSBTE 22203 Applied Mechanics Question Paper

MSBTE 22203 Applied Mechanics Question Paper Download

MSBTE 22203 Applied Mechanics Sample Questions

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10
a) State any two effects of force on a body.
b) Define self locking machine and state the condition for it.
c) State Varignon’s theorem of moment.
d) State the types of beam with sketch (any two).
e) State two advantages of friction.
f) Define centre of gravity.
g) Write the reactions at support when simply supported beam of span ‘L’ carrying a point load ‘W’ at the centre.

2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Define solar and vector quantities giving two examples of each.
b) In a simple lifting machine, a load of 1400N is lifted by 50N effort. While load moves up by 0.2m, the point of application of effort moves by 6m. Find MA, VR and efficiency and ideal effort.
c) State law of machine and it’s use. Also give expression for maximum MA and maximum efficiency of a lifting machine.
d) State four laws of friction

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force as shown in Fig. No. 1.
b) State four properties of couple.
c) In a differential axle and wheel, the diameter of the wheel is 40cm and that of axles are 10cm and 8 cm. If an effort of 50N can lift a load of 1500N, find the efficiency of the machine.
d) Certain machine follows the law P = (0.02W + 14)N. When the load is lifted by 2cm, the effort has to move 150cm. State with reason, whether the machine is reversible or not

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