Board Central Board of Secondary Education [CBSE]
Class 10th / X
Download Sample Question Paper 2022-23
Subject Carnatic Music
Document Type PDF
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CBSE Class X Carnatic Music Sample Question Paper

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Download CBSE Class X Carnatic Music Sample Question Paper

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CBSE Class X Carnatic Music Sample Questions

Section A :
1. A Raga is derived from the Melakarta is known as
1. Varja
2. Janya
3. Vakra
4. Ghana

2. Give an example of Audava Raga
1. Saveri
2. Kambhoji
3. Sriranjani
4. Shudha Saveri

3. Which one of the following raga is belong to 22nd Mela?
1. Keeravani
2. Kharaharapriya
3. Dheera Shankarabharanam
4. Mayamalavagaula

4. Another term for Stringed Instruments
1. Membranophones
2. Chordophones
3. Lithophones
4. Aerophones

5. How many chakras are there in the scheme of 72 Melakarta?
1. 12
2. 15
3. 11
4. 18

6. Choose the right example for Bhashanga Raga.
1. Kambhoji
2. Sriranjani
3. Shudha Saveri
4. Mayamalavagaula

7. Find the name of the 10th charka of 72 mela scheme
1. Dishi
2. Vasu
3. Ritu
4. Rudra

8. The representation of tala divisions such as Drutam and Anudrutam symbolised as
1. U and II
2. O and I
3. I and O
4. O and U

9. Write the Raga- Lakshana of the raga Sriranjani
Write salient features of Raga Suddha Saveri

10. Give an outline knowledge of 72 melakarta Scheme
Write the Raga- Lakshana of the raga Kambhoji

11. Write a detailed note on Jatiswaram
How many Chakras are there in 72 Melakartha ? Write in brief

12. Write the Raga- Lakshana of the raga Kambhoji
Give a brief description about Kirtanam

13. Write salient features of Raga which is Janya of the Dheerashankarabharanam
Which musical form is incorporated only with Swaras? Write in brief

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